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Aged Under 10 Years Old
Aged 11-15 Years Old
Aged 16-17 Years Old
Aged 19-24 Years Old
Aged 25-30 Years Old
Aged 31-40 Years Old
Aged 41-50 Years Old
Aged 51-60 Years Old
Aged 61-70 Years Old
Aged 71-80 Years Old
Aged 81-90 Years Old
Aged 91-100 Years Old
Aged Over 101 Years Old
In a relationship
In partnership
Not applicable
Under 18
18 - 25
25 - 40
No Religion
Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2
Heart Condition
Low blood pressure
High blood pressure
Immune disorder
Mental Health Illness
Other Condition
Outcomes and Indicators
All in all I am inclined to feel that I am a failure
Etes vous d'accord avec cette déclaration: J’ai toute confiance en Dieu.
In the past 6 months have you gone on eating binges where you feel that you may not be able to stop?
In the past 6 months have you ever made yourself sick (vomited) to control your weight or shape?
Etes vous d'accord avec cette déclaration: Je peux compter sur les gens présents dans ma vie.
I am intensely interested in other people
I am totally myself when I am with my partner
Etes vous d'accord avec cette déclaration: Je peux trouver l’espoir en Dieu.
I share my deepest thoughts with my partner even if there's a chance he/she wont understand them
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que vous vous sentez éloigné de Dieu?
Dans les choses suivantes, lesquelles vous sembles avoir été vitales lors de ces temps particuliers ?
I consistently tell my partner the real reasons and motivations behind doing the things I do
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que la prière et le soutien émotional (fournis par l’organisation) seraient-ils utils?
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que la connection et la communauté (fournies par l’organisation) seraient-elles utiles
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que vous trouverez-t-il util pour votre l’organisation de vous fournir avec des opportunités de server et aider aux autres personnes
Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I am fully trusting in God
I don't feel particularly pleased with the way that I am
To what extent are you feeling depressed or anxious
I have very warm feelings towards almost everybody
Which of the following services are you most prepared to offer others at this time?
I am not particularly optimistic about the future:
To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for physical activity?
I feel that I am not especially in control of my life
To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with opportunities to serve and help others?
I do not have a particular sense of meaning and purpose in my life
I feel I have a great deal of energy
I Avoid eating when I am hungry
I Find myself preoccupied with food
I Have gone on eating binges where I feel that I may not be able to stop
I Aware of the calorie content of foods that I eat
I Feel that others would prefer if I ate more
I Am occupied with a desire to be thinner
I Feel that others pressure me to eat
I Give too much time and thought to food
To what extent are you feeling isolated
I Am preoccupied with the thought of having fat on my body
I Cut my food into small pieces
I Vomit after I have eaten
I Feel extremely guilty after eating
I Other people think that I am too thin
I Take longer than others to eat my meals
I Feel that food controls my life
I Display self-control around food
I Feel uncomfortable after eating sweets
I Like my stomach to be empty
I Have the impulse to vomit after meals
In the past 6 months have you ever used laxatives, diet pills or diuretics (water pills) to control your weight or shape?
To what extent are you feeling stressed
To what extent are you feeling disconnected from God
Which of the following do you need the most help with at this time?
To what extent would prayer and emotional support provided by your church be helpful?
To what extent would connection and community provided by your church be helpful?
To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for connecting with God?
To what extent would you find it helpful for your church to provide you with practical ideas for childcare?
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que vous vous sentez déprimé ou inquiet?
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que vous vous sentez stressé?
Dans les choses suivantes, lesquelles vous sembles possibles d’offrir aux autres lors de ces temps particuliers ?
Jusqu’ à quel point est-ce que vous vous sentez isolé?
I answer my partner’s questions about me honestly and fully
On the whole I am satisfied with myself
When talking with my partner about serious matters in our relationships, I feel like I'm not being who I really am
I disclose my deepest feelings to my partner even if he/she may not share them
There are times when I feel I am being "fake"with my partner
I openly share my thoughts and feelings about other people to my partner
I'd rather my partner have a positive view of me than a completely accurate one
My life is an "open book" for my partner to read
I do not have particularly happy memories of the past
I rarely wake up feeling rested
I don't think I look attractive
I feel able to take anything on
I do not find it easy to make decisions
I don't feel particularly health
In the past 6 months have you exercised more than 60 minutes a day to lose or to control your weight?
Design thinking award
I find most things amusing.
I am always committed and involved:
Life is good:
I don't think that the world is a good place:
I am very happy:
I find beauty in some things:
I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal platform with others
UCLA Loneliness Scale (1-4 Ranking)
Participation Event Evaluation TEMPLATE Part 1-How Well do you feel you understood the following aspects of the event?
I am able to do things as well as most other people
Do you see or talk on the phone to either of your parents at least once every 2 weeks?
I confirm the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge
Number of arrests
Number of stop and searches
Number of convictions
Number of no further actions
Number of out of court disposals
The Trainee is happier since coming to Spadework
Participant works cooperatively with others towards achieving a shared goal
Often fights with other children or bullies them
How often do you read or share books with your baby or child
I’ve been feeling relaxed(1-10)
Loans Applied For
Loans Accessed Successfully
Benefit: increase the comfort of my home
Bible study and prayer groups (level of significance)
Community with other Christian athletes (level of significance)
Encouragement from Christians in Sport staff (level of significance)
Provision of resources (level of significance)
How likely are you to invite other Christian sportspeople you know to training courses like this?
Confidence to overcome challenges as a Christian (last 12 months)
Has this training course helped you better understand how to apply your Christian faith to your sporting life?
Do you believe more should be done to prevent animal abuse where you live?
Benefit: lower energy bills
Benefit: protect the environment
Benefit: not get left behind
Benefit: increase the value of my home
Belief: increase in comfort of my home
Belief: decrease in energy bills
Belief: protect the environment
Belief: not get left behind
Belief: increase the value of my home
Revenue from retrofit loans
Perception as a sustainable bank
Participants acting as ambassadors for the project with their peers
Participants reporting feeling happier on the project
Partipants reporting feeling more confident and/or better prepared for life at some point on the project
Enter your age
Whether or not I get to be a leader depends mostly on my ability.
To a great extent my life is controlled by accidental happenings.
Although I might have good ability, I will not be given leadership responsibility without appealing to those in positions of power.
My life is chiefly controlled by powerful others.
Children have access to school
Child's age
Do you use social networking sites?
Are these social networking sites provides enough opportunities to students to promote themselves and their activities?
What is the time you spend on social networking sites per day?
What is the frequency of visiting the social networking sites?
TAG-Domain 1-Intentional Self Harm
TAG-Domain 2-Unintentional Self Harm
TAG-Domain 3-Risk From Others
TAG-Domain 4-Risk to Others
TAG-Domain 5-Survival
TAG-Domain 6-Psychological
TAG-Domain 7-Social
I am able to do things as well as other people,
I feel I do not have much to be proud of:
I take a positive attitude towards myself
I wish I could have more respect for myself
I certainly feel useless at times:
At times I think I am no good at all
am able to do things as well as other peo
I sleep very well
I feel like crying
I like going out
I feel like leaving home
I have lots of energy
I enjoy my food
I can stick up for myself
I am good at things I do
I enjoy the things I do as much as I used to
I like talking to my friends and family
I have horrible dreams
I feel very lonely
I am easily cheered up
I feel so sad I can hardly bear it
I feel very bored
I get stomach-aches/cramps
I have lots of energy
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by worrying too much about different things?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble relaxing?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by being so restless that it's hard to sit still
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by becoming easily annoyed or irritable?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling afraid as if something awful might happen?
I've been able to make up my own mind about things,
I've been feeling close to other people.
I've been thinking clearly
I've been dealing with problems well.
I've been feeling relaxed.
I've been feeling useful:
I've been feeling optimistic about the future(1-5)
I was bothered by things that usually don’t bother me.
I did not feel like eating; my appetite was poor.
I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends.
I felt I was just as good as other people.
I had trouble keeping my mind on what I was doing.
I felt depressed.
I felt that everything I did was an effort.
I felt hopeful about the future.
I thought my life had been a failure
I felt fearful.
My sleep was restless.
I was happy.
I talked less than usual.
I felt lonely.
People were unfriendly.
People were unfriendly.
I enjoyed life.
I had crying spells.
I felt sad.
I felt that people disliked me.
I could not get “going.”
I’ve been feeling useful
I’ve been feeling relaxed
I’ve been dealing with problems well
I’ve been feeling close to other people
I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things
I've been thinking clearly
I’ve been feeling useful
I’ve been feeling relaxed
I’ve been dealing with problems well
I’ve been feeling close to other people
I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things
I've been thinking clearly
I don’t look forward to the future anymore.
My life has no meaning anymore.
I don’t take life for granted anymore
I value my relationships much more now.
I’m a more understanding and tolerant person now.
I no longer take people or things for granted.
I have very little trust in other people now.
I feel very much as if I’m in limbo.
I have very little trust in myself now.
I value other people more now.
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by worrying too much about different things?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by having trouble relaxing?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by being so restless that it's hard to sit still
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by becoming easily annoyed or irritable?
Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by feeling afraid as if something awful might happen?
I Enjoy trying new rich foods
I Engage in dieting behavior
I Eat diet foods
I Avoid foods with sugar in them
I Think about burning up calories when I exercise
I Particularly avoid food with a high carbohydrate content (i.e. bread, rice, potatoes, etc.)
I Am terrified about being overweight.
Have you lost 20 pounds or more in the past 6 months
In the past 6 months have you ever been treated for an eating disorder?
If someone opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want.
Do you think that most people are better off than you are?
Do you feel that your situation is hopeless?
Do you feel full of energy?
Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now?
Do you think it is wonderful to be alive?
Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most?
Do you often feel helpless?
Do you feel happy most of the time?
Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?
Are you in good spirits most of the time?
Do you often get bored?
Do you feel that your life is empty?
Have you dropped many of your activities and interests?
Are you basically satisfied with your life?
Imagine the same scenario for the last time - would you be craving for a drink?
Imagine the same scenario again - would you body shake?
Imagine the same scenario again - would your hands shake?
Imagine you have been abstinent for a few weeks, then drink heavily for a couple of days. The morning after would you start to sweat?
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than a bottle of spirits per day (3 bottles of wine, 5 litres of cider or 10 pints of lager)
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than a bottle of spirits per day (3 bottles of wine, 5 litres of cider or 10 pints of lager)
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than a bottle of spirits per day (3 bottles of wine, 5 litres of cider or 10 pints of lager)
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than 1/4 bottle of spirits (or 1 bottle of wine, or 4 pints of beer) each day
The day after drinking alcohol, do you drink to get rid of the shakes?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you gulp your first few drinks down as fast as possible?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you like a drink in the morning?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you feel frightened when you wake up?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you feel at the edge of despair when you wake up?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you feel at the edge of despair when you wake up?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you wake up drenched in sweat?
Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than go out and do new things?
Do you often feel helpless?
Do you feel happy most of the time?
Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?
The day after drinking alcohol, does your body shake violently first thing in the morning if you don't have a drink?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you dread waking up?
The day after drinking alcohol, are you frightened of meeting people first thing in the morning?
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than half a bottle of spirits per day (8 pints of beer, 2 bottles of wine)
During a heavy drinking period, do you drink more than 2 bottles of spirits per day (7 bottles of wine, 9 litres of cider, 20 pints of beer)
The day after drinking alcohol, do you have a strong craving for drink when you wake up?
The day after drinking alcohol, do your hands shake first thing in the morning?
The day after drinking alcohol, do you wake up feeling sweaty?
Do you feel that people listen to your ideas?
I feel like I can be my authentic self at work.
I feel that I have to hide parts of who I am at work.
Do you have a mentor at work?
Do you have a mentor at work?
Do you have a role model at work?
Do you think the management at your company represents you well?
Do you take part in team events?
Do you enjoy attending team events?
Do you feel part of a community at work?
To what degree would you describe your workplace as a community?
Do you have a network of contacts who can help you when you need it?
If yes, roughly how many people are in your network?
Have you applied for a promotion in the past year?
Are you told about all of the opportunities for promotion that you can apply for?
Do you feel encouraged to apply for promotions?
Do you feel that you have the same access to promotions as your colleagues?
I have set professional development goals.
I have access to resources which can help me achieve these goals.
I feel supported in my professional development.
I know how to achieve these goals.
I have access to resources which can help me achieve these goals.
I feel supported in my professional development.
If you have a disability, are you able to access all of the facilities easily?
Is your work space physically appropriate for you?
Do you feel that your dietary needs are catered for by the office cafe/canteen?
Do you always receive credit for your ideas?
In the past year, have you experienced someone else taking credit for one of your ideas?
Do you speak your mind at work?
What gender do you identify as?
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
I can see myself working here in five years.
I have a clear understanding of my company’s strategic goals.
I always know what is expected of me when it comes to my goals and objectives.
I always want to give my best whenever I’m at work.
5.4.1 Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location
I am afraid of people in authority.
I am bothered by blushing in front of people.
Being criticized scares me a lot.
I avoid having to give speeches.
Trembling or shaking in front of others is distressing to me.
6.2.1 Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water
How do you feel that the cleanliness in your local environment ?
I take bath daily
I cut my nails regularly
I always drink protected water
10.1.1 Growth rates of household expenditure or income per capita among the bottom 40 per cent of the population and the total population
Little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Feeling tired or having little energy?
Poor appetite or overeating?
Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down?
How satisfied are you with your child's: Responsiveness to others?
To what extent would prayer and emotional support provided by your organisation be helpful?
To what extent would you find it helpful for your organisation to provide you with practical ideas for connecting with God?
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Sexual Orientation
Age Range
How would you describe your gender?
How long have you lived in this area?
How long have you been a member of BDEF / ACH
Finding Somewhere to live
Inapporpriate Housing
Returning to Previous Address
Career Aspirations
Barriers to Employment
Reading, Writing, Spelling
I feel like I now have more tools to manage the challenges I face in life.
Our organisation now has more tools to help the people in our organisation manage their mental health
List the new skills and tools you now have/use to deal with life's challenges.
List the new skills and tools your organisation now has to help people manage their mental health
The support I received contributed to changes being introduced into my organisation that promote better mental wellbeing and health
I feel better able to support others to improve their mental health and wellbeing
I feel better able to support myself to improve my own mental health and wellbeing
List the actions you've recently taken to deal with life's challenges.
What, if any, changes have been introduced to your organisation and the services it provides as a result of the support we provided?
I feel I have a better understanding of the different factors that impact mental health in myself and others.
I worry a lot
I have many fears, I am easily scared
I am nervous in new situations. I easily lose confidence
I get a lot of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness
I am often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful
I usually do as I am told
I get very angry and often lose my temper
I am often accused of lying or cheating
I take things that are not mine from home, school or elsewhere
I fight a lot. I can make other people do what I want
Can be spiteful to others
Often argumentative with adults
I am constantly fidgeting or squirming
I am restless, I cannot stay still for long
I am easily distracted, I find it difficult to concentrate
I think before I do things
I finish the work I'm doing. My attention is good
Can stop and think things out before acting
I have one good friend or more
I am usually on my own. I generally play alone or keep to myself
I get on better with adults than with people my own age
Other people my age generally like me
Other children or young people pick on me or bully me
Has at least one good friend
I try to be nice to other people. I care about their feelings
I often volunteer to help others (parents, teachers, children)
I usually share with others (food, games, pens etc.)
I am kind to younger children
I am helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill
How long have these difficulties been present?
Do the difficulties upset or distress you?
Do the difficulties make it harder for those around you (family, friends, teachers, etc.)?
Overall, do you think that you have difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people?
Considerate of other people's feelings
Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long
Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness
Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils, etc.)
Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers
Rather solitary, tends to play alone
Generally obedient, usually does what adults request
Many worries, often seems worried
Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill
Constantly fidgeting or squirming
Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful
Generally liked by other children
Easily distracted, concentration wanders
Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence
Kind to younger children
Often lies or cheats
Picked on or bullied by other children
Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children)
Thinks things out before acting
Steals from home, school or elsewhere
Gets on better with adults than with other children
Many fears, easily scared
Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span
Often fights with other children or bullies them
I cannot focus on the class and teacher whenever I think about the pressure that is on me.
I always get low scores in my exam due to peer pressure.
I have been thinking about suicidal activities.
I enjoy my life overall
I am happy much of the time
I look forward to things
Life gets me down
My health restricts me looking after myself or my home
Since you’ve been employed with the organization, how often have you received training?
How often do you feel your work is appreciated?
How helpful were the training programs in doing your job better?
How familiar are you with the mission and vision statement of the organization?
How satisfied are you with the level of information access you have to do your job?
Some kids like to do fun things with a lot of other people BUT Other kids like to do fun things with just a few people
Some kids have parents who don’t really understand them BUT Other kids have parents who really do understand them
Some kids have classmates who like them the way they are BUT Other kids have classmates who wish they were different
Some kids have a teacher who helps them if they are upset or have a problem BUT Other kids don’t have a teacher who helps them if they are upset or have a problem
Some kids have parents who don’t seem to want to hear about their children’s problems BUT Other kids have parents who do want to listen to their children’s problems
Some kids have classmates who sometimes make fun of them BUT Other kids don’t have classmates who make fun of them
Some kids have classmates who pay attention to what they say BUT Other kids have classmates who usually don’t pay attention to what they say
Some kids don’t get asked to play in games with classmates very often BUT Other kids often get asked to play in games by their classmates
Some kids don’t have a close friend who cares about their feelings BUT Other kids do have a close friend who cares about their feelings
Have you ensured that this work has not been done before?
Have patient, career, members of the public or staff been involved in the design/development of the project?
Will you ensure that potential recruits are not currently involved in any other surveys or Patient Focus and Public Involvement work?
Are there any expected benefits to participants?
Have any potential hazards been minimized? Including unwitting disclosure of medical condition or personal circumstance
Will participants be assured that participation is voluntary and that they can refuse or withdraw at any time?
Have you ensured that no participant is excluded on the grounds of sexual orientation, age, gender, religious belief, ethnic group or disability?
Will potential participants receive verbal or written information about the project?
Will you ensure that all identifying data is removed and that all records (paper and computer) are anonymised
Will results be presented in a way that does not identify individuals?
Will any reports/feedback include recommendations for improvement?
Will the outcomes be monitored and evaluated?
Degree of concern over present bodily health. Rate the degree to which physical health is perceived as a problem by the patient, whether complaints have a realistic basis or not.
I am feeling healthier
I find it easier to trust people
I am not feeling sad anymore
I find it easier to make new friendships
I have more friends
I find it easier to confide in people
How concerned are you about animal abuse?
Do you believe more should be done to prevent animal abuse where you live?
I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times
I have a hard time making it through stressful events.
It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.
It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens
I usually come through difficult times with little trouble
I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.
Have you been deliberately trying to limit the amount of food you eat to influence your shape or weight (whether or not you have succeeded)?
Have you gone for long periods of time (8 waking hours or more) without eating anything at all in order to influence your shape or weight?
Have you tried to exclude from your diet any foods that you like in order to influence your shape or weight (whether or not you have succeeded)?
Have you had a definite desire to have an empty stomach with the aim of influencing your shape or weight?
Have you had a strong desire to lose weight?
On the scale of 1-10 rate your overall mental toughness
On the scale of 1-10 rate your control level
On the scale of 1-10 rate your emotional control
On the scale of 1-10 rate your life control
On the scale of 1-10 rate your commitment level towards the work you do
On the scale of 1-10 rate your confidence level
I view challenging situations as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I am always looking for experiences that challenge how I think about myself and the world.
I seek out situations where it is likely that I will have to think in depth about something.
I enjoy learning about subjects that are unfamiliar to me
. I find it fascinating to learn new information
The anxiety of doing something new makes me feel excited and alive
I desperately want to change the way that I look
I find it difficult to accept who I am
I have REALLY high standards for myself and others (Perfectionist)
I feel uncomfortable around successful people
I am anxious and fearful a lot of the time
I never try new things – I might make a mistake
I focus on all of my mistakes – and minimise what I achieve (I feel like a failure)
I feel down all the time
I frequently think negative thoughts about myself and others
I feel worthless
Can’t concentrate, short attention span
Craves affection
Eats too much
Fears you will reject her/him
Hides feelings
Is convinced that friends will reject her/him
Lacks guilt or empathy
Prefers to be with adults, rather than children
Relates to strangers ‘as if they were family’
Seems insecure
Constantly seeking excitement or ‘thrills’
Craves affection
Craves affection
Does not share with friends
Does not show affection
Feels victimized or misunderstood
Gorges food
Impulsive (acts rashly, without thinking)
I am proud of myself
I worry a lot
I have a lot of fun
I feel alone
I feel pleased with myself
Lots of things about me are good
I feel happy
I will reach my goals
Considerate of other people’s feelings
Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long
Readily approaches children he/she does not know
Hits, bites, or pinches other children
Has no energy, feels tired
Does not want to sleep alone
When mad at someone, says bad things behind the other’s back
Is shy with children he/she does not know
Is nervous, high-strung, or tense
Reacts in an aggressive manner when contradicted or teased
Is not as happy as other children
Clings to adults or is too dependent
It’s easy for me to make new friends at school.
I have nobody to talk to
I’m good at working with other children
I’m good at working with other children
It’s hard for me to make friends.
I feel alone.
I can find a friend when I need one.
There is no evidence that child has experienced physical abuse.
There is no evidence that child has witnessed family violence.
There is no evidence that child has witnessed or experienced violence in the community
There is no evidence that child has witnessed violence in the school setting.
There is no evidence that child has been exposed to natural or man-made disasters.
There is no evidence that child has been exposed to war, political violence, or torture.
There is no evidence that child has been victimized or witnessed significant criminal activity.
There is no evidence that youth’s parents have ever engaged in criminal behavior.
There is no evidence that the child has experienced disruptions in caregiving and/or attachment losses.
The day after drinking alcohol, I woke up feeling sweaty.
The day after drinking alcohol, my hands shook first thing in the morning
The day after drinking alcohol, my whole body shook violently first thing in the morning if I didn't have a drink.
The day after drinking alcohol, I woke up absolutely drenched in sweat.
The day after drinking alcohol, I dread waking up in the morning.
The day after drinking alcohol, I was frightened of meeting people first thing in the morning.
The day after drinking alcohol, I felt very frightened when I awoke.
I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge
New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones.
My interests change from year to year.
Setbacks don’t discourage me
I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest
I am a hard worker
I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one
I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete
Can easily and accurately describe her special strengths and positive qualities
Is proud and confident in her abilities; enjoys being herself
Focuses mostly on her strengths instead of weaknesses and past failures
Speaks mostly positively about herself, rarely negatively
Has a few developed hobbies and interests that encourage natural strengths
Shows sensitivity toward the needs and feelings of others
Recognizes when someone is distressed and responds appropriately.
Shows a willingness to understand someone else’s point of view
I make a real effort to do those things that matter to me
I feel good about myself
I am a confident person
I get on well with people
I am able to receive advice
I respect other people’s property
I use my initiative
I communicate well with other people
I feel hopeful about my life
My life has a sense of purpose
I feel good about myself
If I have a problem I can work it out
I am confident that I can achieve what I set out to do
I am a person who can go with the flow
I feel confdent that I can handle whatever comes my way
I feel confident to do things by myself
I worry about the future
My feelings are out of my control
I dwell on the bad things that happen
I tend to think the worst is going to happen
It’s easy for me to make new friends at school.
I don’t get along with other children.
Don't like sudden changes
Don't like shocks
Fear of failure
Avoid effort
Intimidated by challenges
Dislike being in new situations – new colleagues, new bosses, new premises etc.
Prefer routine
Avoid risk (particularly, of failure)
Uncomfortable with competitive settings
Tend to achieve minimum standards
May get things out of perspective
I want to be alone than others my age
I have headaches or feel dizzy
I don't participate in activities that used to be fun
I argue or speak rudely to others
I have more fears than others my age
I cut classes or skip school altogether
I steal or lie
How satisfied are you with your life nowadays?
To what extent do you think the things you do in your life are worthwhile?
How happy did you feel yesterday?
How anxious did you feel yesterday?
I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future
I’ve been feeling like I am useful
I’ve been feeling relaxed
I’ve been dealing with problems well
I’ve been thinking clearly
I’ve been feeling close to other people
I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things
Somatic concern (Degree of concern over present bodily health. Rate the degree to which physical health is perceived as a problem by the patient, whether complaints have a realistic basis or not.)
Anxiety (Worry, fear, or over-concern for present or future. Rate solely on the basis of verbal report of patient’s own subjective experiences. Do not infer anxiety from physical signs or from neurotic defense mechanisms.)
EMOTIONAL WITHDRAWAL(Deficiency in relating to the interviewer and to the interviewer situation. Rate only the degree to which the patient gives the impression of failing to be in emotional contact with other people in the interview situation.)
CONCEPTUAL DISORGANIZATION (Degree to which the thought processes are confused. Rate on the basis of integration of the verbal products of the patient; do not rate on the basis of patient’s subjective impression of his own level of functioning.)
GUILT FEELINGS Over-concern or remorse for past behavior. Rate on the basis of the patient’s subjective experiences of guilt as evidenced by verbal report with appropriate affect
Establishing confidante relationships with caregivers
Establishing confidante relationships with caregivers.
Teaching caregivers how to identify causes of stress.
Resolving conflicts within families.
The services available to caregivers and how to access them.
Asking caregivers to speak about their emotions
Strategies for coping with stress (breathing and relaxation).
The importance of daily routines and how to establish them.
Speaking about support needs for pregnant women & caregivers.
Strategies for coping with stress (breathing and relaxation).
Polite and friendly greeting.
Recaps from last session
Introduces session and explains its purpose
In a difficult spot, I turn at once to what can be done to put things right.
I influence where I can, rather than worrying about what I can’t influence.
I don’t take criticism personally.
I generally manage to keep things in perspective.
I am calm in a crisis.
I’m good at finding solutions to problems.
I wouldn’t describe myself as an anxious person.
I don’t tend to avoid conflict.
I try to control events rather than being a victim of circumstances.
I trust my intuition.
I manage my stress levels well.
I feel confident and secure in my position
I be myself
I learn things easily
I wouldn’t describe myself as an anxious person.
I wouldn’t describe myself as an anxious person.
At times I think I am not good at all.
I have a positive attitude towards myself
I certainly feel useless at times.
I feel I don't have much to be proud of
I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
I am able to do things as well as most other people.
Do you need additional help in this area?
I laugh a lot
I am well satisfied about everything in my life
There is a gap between what I would like to do and what I have done
I always have a cheerful effect on others
I can fit in everything I want to
I feel fully mentally alert
I often experience joy and elation
I usually have a good influence on events
I do not have fun with other people
I would rather be the person my partner wants me to be than who I really am
If I knew my partner's true feelings about some things I'd probably be disappointed or hurt
In the past week how often did you have too little or too much sleep?
In the past week how often did you feel the need to gamble?
In the past week how often did you feel lucky?
In the past week how often did you worry about money?
In the past week how often did you have someone express concern about your gambling?
In the past week how often did you have little or no energy?
In the past week how often did you have a hard time controlling your temper?
In the past week how often did you have someone express concerns about your alcohol or drug use?
In the past week how often did you feel worthless?
In the past week how often did you have thoughts of harming yourself?
In the past week how often did you fantasize about your problems disappearing?
In the past week how often did you feel tense or nervous?
How many children do you have?
How many other relatives (other than your spouse, parents & children) do you feel close to?
How many of these relatives do you see or talk to on the phone at least once every 2 weeks?
How many close friends do you have?
How many of these friends do you see or talk to at least once every 2 weeks?
How many members of your church or religious group do you talk to at least once every 2 weeks? (This includes at group meetings and services.)
Do you attend any classes (school, university, technical training, or adult education) on a regular basis?
How many fellow students or teachers do you talk to at least once every 2 weeks?
How many people at work (other than those you supervise) do you talk to at least once every 2 weeks?
How many of your neighbors do you visit or talk to at least once every 2 weeks?
Are you currently involved in regular volunteer work?
¿A qué nivel te sientes aislado?
¿A qué nivel te siente deprimido o ansioso?
¿A qué nivel te siente estresado?
¿A qué nivel sería beneficioso si esta organización ofreciese ideas prácticas para conectar con Dios?
Marca en esta lista lo que te ha ayudado más durante este tiempo.
De los siguientes servicios ¿Cuál estás más dispuesto a ofrecer a otros durante este tiempo?
¿A qué nivel sería de ayuda la oración y el apoyo emocional que ofrece esta organización?
¿A qué nivel sería beneficioso si nuestra organización ofreciese conexión y comunidad?
¿A qué nivel sería beneficioso si esta organización ofreciese oportunidades de servir y ayudar a otros?
¿A qué nivel te sientes desconectado de Dios?
Feel threatened or bullied by others?
Drink alcohol (beer, wine, hard liquor), or use drugs or illegal substances?
Have a hard time having fun?
Sleep a lot more than you normally do?
Eat a lot more or less than usual?
Feel nervous and/or shy around other people?
Feel unhappy or sad?
Get into trouble?
I’ve felt edgy or nervous
There’s been someone I felt able to ask for help
My thoughts and feelings distressed me
My problems have felt too much for me
It’s been hard to go to sleep or stay asleep
I’ve felt unhappy
I’ve done all the things I wanted to
How often do you feel that you lack companionship?
How often do you feel that there is no one you can turn to?
How often do you feel that you are no longer close to anyone?
How often do you feel that your interests and ideas are not shared by those around you?
How often do you feel outgoing and friendly?
How often do you feel close to people?
How often do you feel left out?
How often do you feel your relationships with others are not meaningful?
How often do you feel that no one really knows you well?
how often do you feel isolated from others?
How often do you feel that you can find companionship when you want it?
How often do you feel there are people who really understand you?
How often do you feel shy?
How often do you feel that people are around you but not with you?
How often do you feel that there are people you can talk to?
How often do you feel that there are people you can turn to?
How often do you feel that you are "in tune" with the people around you?
I’ve had energy to spare
I’ve been feeling good about myself
I’ve been feeling confident
I’ve been feeling loved
How often did you have little or no energy?
How often did you have a hard time getting along with family, friends or coworkers?
How often did you have a hard time paying attention?
How often did you feel unproductive at work or other daily activities?
How often did you feel tense or nervous?
How often did you avoid something because of anxiety or fear?
How often did you feel lonely?
How often did you think about harming yourself?
How often did you have someone express concerns about your alcohol or drug use?
How often did you feel good about yourself?
How often did you feel unhappy or sad?
It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals.
I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events.
Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations.
When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions.
I can usually handle whatever comes my way.
I can always manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough
I am able to do things as well as other people,
I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others
All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.
I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
Government and Local Authorities, feel that this project will help with local littering and plastic waste issues
Community members attend events
Clients Serviced Weekly
Rights that people are aware of
People aware of their rights
Do you feel that people listen to your ideas?
Have you ever taken maternity/paternity leave?
Do you feel that people actively listen to you?
Do you actively listen when colleagues are talking to you? I.e. ask questions, don’t interrupt, repeat back key phrases.
Do you feel that people listen to your ideas?
Do you feel that people listen to your ideas?
Do you feel that people actively listen to you?
Do you actively listen when colleagues are talking to you? I.e. ask questions, don’t interrupt, repeat back key phrases.
Do you feel that people listen to your ideas?
How often do you feel shy?
Do you actively listen when colleagues are talking to you? I.e. ask questions, don’t interrupt, repeat back key phrases.
Do you actively listen when colleagues are talking to you? I.e. ask questions, don’t interrupt, repeat back key phrases.
Community members attend events
Increase in amount of funding
How often do you feel that you have a lot in common with the people around you?
There is a gap between what I would like to do and what I have done
Services adjusted/streamlined according to assets and strengths
People entitled to benefits who don't claim them
Exhibitions about youth projects held with partners
Projects using Iterate mode
People aware of advice and guidance service
People who are aware of Riverside information services
Increased youth/ young people reached through services
Increased services offered to young people facing specific challenges
Services offered to young people with particular challenges planned
% of (more) events organised at Sutton Life Centre/ year
% of (more) events organised using outreach bus “Urbie”/year
Children able to identify the names of 10 different farm animals
Weekly Income
Clients serviced
Satisfied Interns
Schools consulted, would be interested in educational trips to the project
Those consulted, would be interested in the training and workshop activities
Businesses consulted, would be interested in using the service
Those consulted, feel there is a need for this project
VCSEs consulted, would be interested in using the service
Projects using Iterate mode
People entitled to benefits who don't claim them
Exhibitions and introductions about youth work held in the community
People entitled to benefits who claim and receive them
Policies impacted
Educators who have committed to incorporating ethical, environmentally sound and culturally sensitive engineering in their educational opportunities
Assistance given? (if yes, please tick)
To what extent would connection and community provided by your organisation be helpful?
To what extent would you find it helpful for your organisation to provide you with opportunities to serve and help others?
Q1. Motivation
Q3. Teamwork
Q5. Self esteem
Q7. Behaviour
q9. Communication
I feel that life is very rewarding.
My manager invites me to share new ideas
My colleagues encourage me to discuss my ideas
I feel confident sharing a new idea with my team
23 d 2 32 f2f 42 23
At times I think I am not good at all.
I've been feeling calm
I've been feeling cheerful about things
I've been feeling relaxed:
I've been in a good mood
I've been getting on well with people
I enjoy what each new day brings
I have a positive attitude towards myself
I cannot focus on the class and teacher whenever I think about the pressure that is on me.
I often set a goal but later choose to pursue a different one
Intimidated by challenges
I feel hopeful about my life
I feel confident to do things by myself
Anxiety (Worry, fear, or over-concern for present or future. Rate solely on the basis of verbal report of patient’s own subjective experiences. Do not infer anxiety from physical signs or from neurotic defense mechanisms.)
I certainly feel useless at times.
I always get low scores in my exam due to peer pressure.
I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge
I am a hard worker
Setbacks don’t discourage me
Don't like shocks
Prefer routine
I feel I don't have much to be proud of
I have been thinking about suicidal activities.
I have been obsessed with a certain idea or project for a short time but later lost interest
Dislike being in new situations – new colleagues, new bosses, new premises etc.
Avoid risk (particularly, of failure)
My life has a sense of purpose
If I have a problem I can work it out
I worry about the future
My feelings are out of my control
Speaks mostly positively about herself, rarely negatively
Recognizes when someone is distressed and responds appropriately.
I find it difficult to accept who I am
I am anxious and fearful a lot of the time
I frequently think negative thoughts about myself and others
I am happy much of the time
Polite and friendly greeting.
Recaps from last session
I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
New ideas and projects sometimes distract me from previous ones.
Don't like sudden changes
Worry about the views of others
I am confident that I can achieve what I set out to do
I dwell on the bad things that happen
I am able to do things as well as most other people.
My interests change from year to year.
I have difficulty maintaining my focus on projects that take more than a few months to complete
Fear of failure
Avoid effort
Uncomfortable with competitive settings
Tend to achieve minimum standards
May get things out of perspective
I am a person who can go with the flow
Somatic concern (Degree of concern over present bodily health. Rate the degree to which physical health is perceived as a problem by the patient, whether complaints have a realistic basis or not.)
Has a few developed hobbies and interests that encourage natural strengths
I desperately want to change the way that I look
I have REALLY high standards for myself and others (Perfectionist)
I never try new things – I might make a mistake
I focus on all of my mistakes – and minimise what I achieve (I feel like a failure)
I feel down all the time
I enjoy my life overall
Life gets me down
My health restricts me looking after myself or my home
Introduces session and explains its purpose
Have you been deliberately trying to limit the amount of food you eat to influence your shape or weight (whether or not you have succeeded)?
Household stove type (Sierra Leone) PPI 7
Household external walls (Sierra Leone) PPI 8
Have you ensured that this work has not been done before?
Have patient, career, members of the public or staff been involved in the design/development of the project?
Will you ensure that potential recruits are not currently involved in any other surveys or Patient Focus and Public Involvement work?
Feels victimized or misunderstood
Are there any expected benefits to participants?
Will any reports/feedback include recommendations for improvement?
Have you tried to exclude from your diet any foods that you like in order to influence your shape or weight (whether or not you have succeeded)?
Will the outcomes be monitored and evaluated?
Will you ensure that all identifying data is removed and that all records (paper and computer) are anonymised
Have you gone for long periods of time (8 waking hours or more) without eating anything at all in order to influence your shape or weight?
Have you had a definite desire to have an empty stomach with the aim of influencing your shape or weight?
Constantly seeking excitement or ‘thrills’
Have you had a strong desire to lose weight?
Gorges food
Impulsive (acts rashly, without thinking)
I’ve been feeling like I am useful
I’ve been thinking clearly
In a difficult spot, I turn at once to what can be done to put things right.
I influence where I can, rather than worrying about what I can’t influence.
I generally manage to keep things in perspective.
I am calm in a crisis.
I feel confident and secure in my position
I manage my stress levels well.
I trust my intuition.
I try to control events rather than being a victim of circumstances.
I be myself
I learn things easily
How satisfied are you with the level of information access you have to do your job?
I think good things will happen in my life
I think there are many things that I can be proud of
I feel that I am good at some things
I can find lots of fun things to do
I think lots of people care for me
I've been able to make choices easily
I have always told the truth
I like everyone I have met
I always share my sweets
I've been thinking clearly
I’ve been feeling useful
I’ve been feeling relaxed
I’ve been dealing with problems well
I’ve been feeling close to other people
I’ve been able to make up my own mind about things
The timings of the session are accessible for me.
The fact that the sessions are online make them more accessible for me.
These training sessions are valued by my management and I am encouraged to attend.
I am motivated to implement what I have learnt from these sessions into my practice.
I have obtained new knowledge about effective practice in the EYFS.
I can share this new knowledge with the other members of my team at work.
I feel comfortable to ask questions during the sessions (could be verbally or via the chat feature).
The structure of the sessions (3 sessions on 1 topic with a small task in between) helped to embed my learning.
I feel confident reflecting on my own practice.
I understand how children are learning by applying theory to my assessments.
I feel confident discussing safeguarding issues with parents.
I feel confident using journal articles to inform my practice.
I apply research that I learnt about in this course to my practice.
This course has helped me to communicate more effectively with parents.
I feel confident communicating with parents.
I feel confident communicating with other professionals.
This course has helped me to communicate more effectively with professionals.
I share knowledge from this course with parents of children in my setting.
The timings of the degree lectures are accessible to me.
The location of the degree lectures are accessible to me.
The location of the degree lectures is accessible to me.
I share my early years subject knowledge with parents in my setting.
I feel confident reflecting on my own practice
I feel confident discussing safeguarding issues with parents
I feel confident using journal articles to inform my practice
I feel confident communicating with other professionals
I feel confident communicating with parents
I understand how children are learning by applying theory to my assessments
I share my early years subject knowledge with parents in my setting
I feel confident supporting parents/carers with their children’s development
I feel confident sharing my knowledge with my colleagues and/or other professionals who work with children in the Early Years sector
I feel confident in my knowledge of the different ways babies and children learn, and the role adults can have in this.
I feel confident in my knowledge of why play is important for babies and children, and the role adults can have in this.
I feel confident in my understanding of children’s development, for example, the patterns and stages of growth.
I feel confident in my knowledge of how to keep babies and children safe and healthy.
I can identify a range of key local institutional organisations relevant to the early years sector.
I feel confident using Early Years theory to inform my practice
I feel confident asking for support with my practice from my manager & colleagues
I feel confident discussing safeguarding issues with parents/carers of children in my setting
How often do you discuss with other people, ideas about how you can help children to learn?
How often does your understanding or learning about children’s development impact upon your interactions with children either professionally or personally?
I feel confident in my knowledge of the policies and procedures to keep babies and children safe in Early Years settings.
I am clear about how to follow the safeguarding policies and procedures in my practice
I am confident in my knowledge of how to use observations to plan next steps to support children’s development in my setting.
I feel confident in my knowledge of the policies and procedures that keep babies and children safe across Early Years settings.
The fact that the sessions are online make them more accessible for me.
I feel confident sharing my professional experiences with the other attendees (whole group or in breakout rooms)
I feel comfortable opening up and sharing my experiences about working in the EYFS.
I share the new knowledge I have gained from these sessions with the rest of my team.
There is a wide cross-sector representation in the sessions (i.e. different early years roles).
I am getting to know other professionals from other early years settings.
This course has helped me to communicate more effectively with professionals.
I have good relationships with other early years professionals.
This course has helped me to develop relationships with other ey professionals.
The timings of the degree lectures are accessible to me.
The location of the degree lectures are accessible to me.
I share the learning I gain from training with other colleagues.
Which Level student are you?
I have good relationships with other early years professionals
I share the learning I gain from training with other colleagues
I can identify a range of key professionals who work in the EY sector.
I can identify a range of key professionals who work locally in the EY sector.
How often do you discuss with other Early Years Professionals/Early Years students, ideas about how you can help children to learn?
How would you rate the training?
In your opinion, the length of the training was...
I found this meeting helpful
I feel that the meeting was well structured.
I was able to reflect on the information that was presented.
Would your organisation like to host an FCP meeting in the future?
I feel the meeting was well structured.
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive updates from the Feltham Convening Partnership
Please tick if you would like to be contacted by a member of our Planning Team to discuss how you / your organisation could get involved:.
What area best aligns with your interest?
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive all updates in relation to the Feltham Convening Project, which includes our monthly newsletter
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive all updates from the Feltham Convening Project, which includes our monthly newsletter
Please tick if you would like to be contacted by a member of our Planning Team to discuss how you / your organisation could get involved with the partnership
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive updates from the Feltham Convening Partnership, which includes our monthly newsletter
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive updates from the Reach Children's Hub.
I agree that the information that I've just entered can be uploaded to Makerble (the software that we use to track our impact)
I agree that information that I've just entered can be uploaded and stored on Makerble. (the software that we use to measure our impact.)
I agree that the information that I've just entered can be uploaded and stored on Makerble. (The software that we use to measure our impact)
Please tick if you are happy for your details to be added Makerble; the platform that we use to send out surveys and track attendance.
Please tick if you would like to be added to our mailing list, to receive updates about upcoming events and notices from the Reach Foundation.
What group are you part of?
How did you hear about the Feltham Convening Partnership?
What is your favourite colour?
Which shade of red do you prefer?
Okay, let's consider some other options. Which of these shades of red do you prefer?
Which shade of blue do you prefer?
Okay, let's look at more options: Which of these shades of blue do you prefer?
Let's try one more time: Which of these shades do you prefer?
Which style of music do you prefer?
Which style of folk music do you prefer?
Who is your favourite rock band?
Region the household lives in (Ghana) PPI 1
Members in household (Ghana) PPI 2
Chicken egg purchases (Ghana) PPI 3
Raw or corned beef purchases (Ghana) PPI 4
Outer wall main construction material (Ghana) PPI 5
Household cooking fuel (Ghana) PPI 6
Household gas stove ownership (Ghana) PPI 7
Household refrigerator ownership (Ghana) PPI 8
Household fan ownership (Ghana) PPI 9
Household television ownership (Ghana) PPI 10
Salary Expected 1
Salary Received
How are you doing
Scale Indicator 3
Metrics A
Metrics owned by New Testing 1
Scale Indicator 4
Metrics B
Test Metrics 1
Metrics C
I feel that life is not rewarding
Metrics owned by New Testing 1
How did you feel in the past?
Pick a colour
Verdict Question
Salary Expected 1
Salary Received
Metrics owned by New Testing 1
Scale Indicator 3
Metrics owned by New Testing 1
Scale Indicator 4
Test Metrics 1
Test Metrics 1
Coding Language
How happy have you felt in contrast to before?
How are you doing?
MCT CP-5664
CP-5662 Metrics 1
CP-5662 Metrics 2
Coding Language
Coding Language
Having little interest or pleasure in doing things
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
Feeling tired or having little energy
Poor appetite or over eating
Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let you or your family down
Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading newspaper or watching television
Noticeably moving or speaking slowly, or being fidgety or restless
Thinking you'd be better off dead, or hurting yourself in some way
Attendees at event
What do you ask for
What do you say
Scale this time
Progress tracker question
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
Number of days volunteers works in week
Added by Atiksha Birendra - Not Yet Categorised
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
Error 7052
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
1.1 How is your health in general? Would you say it is... *
Number of days volunteers works in week
Will you come back to the next event?
Job Engagement
Testing 1
Testing 2
What day is it?
What month is it?
Engagement Test Survey Metric
0-10 scale
Anxiety (Worry, fear, or over-concern for present or future. Rate solely on the basis of verbal report of patient’s own subjective experiences. Do not infer anxiety from physical signs or from neurotic defense mechanisms.)
Are you in one of the following
Attendance status (GoTeamUp)
Proactively seeks help
Willing to chase people
Able to interrupt politely
Able to find solutions autonomously
Thirst for efficiency
Ability to follow instructions
Regular status updates
Able to finish things off
Checking of own work for mistakes
Consider different approaches autonomously
Provide documentation to others
Strategic awareness
Milestone setting
Self-awareness of task progress
Ability to accelerate autonomously
Openness to feedback of work-in-progress tasks
Self care
Business Model awareness
Commercial awareness
Proactively reduces manager’s workload
Builds morale of colleagues
Emotionally mature feedback delivery
Invites others’ opinions
Takes ownership
Humility in sharing ideas
Willingness to pass on knowledge
Growth mindset
Healthy perception of failure
Receives feedback
Openness to new ideas
Seeks feedback
Applies feedback
Lateral thinking
Proactive problem solving
Suspends judgement
Seeks idea stimulus
Engaging in meeting
Thinks ahead
Speaks clearly
Concise communication
Precise vocabulary
In your opinion, do you think the temperature on earth has been rising over the past decade?
Are you aware of the global policies or initiatives taken by various organizations to reduce climate change/global warming?
Are you aware about the environmental policies in your country?
If my partner has a positive but inaccurate understanding of me, I correct it, even if this action may lower his or her opinion of me
There are no topics that are “off limits” between my partner and me
I will confront my partner if I suspect that he or she is not being completely open with me
When I am hurt by something my partner said, I will let him or her know about it
I suspect that what my partner likes best about me is not really part of who I am
I'd rather my partner keep certain thoughts and feelings to him/herself if this will help us avoid an argument
I hesitate saying things to my partner when he or she may not want to hear them
I expect that my partner will first consider my feelings before telling me things that I might find hurtful
I am basically the same person with my partner as I am with other people I care about
If my partner knew the real me, he or she would probably be surprised and disappointed
When I am hurt by something my partner said, I will let him or her know about it
I would rather have my partner leave me than not know who I really am
I’m willing to tell a “white lie” about myself if it will keep my partner happy
I am careful about how I talk with my partner about my relationships with other people
It is necessary for me that my partner know me as I know myself
I purposefully hide my true feelings about some things in order to avoid upsetting my partner.
I avoid raising certain topics for discussion with my partner
Sometimes I find myself trying to impress my partner into believing something about me that isn't really true
I would rather upset my partner than be someone who I am not
To avoid conflict in our relationship I will sometimes tell my partner what I think he or she wants to hear even if its not true
Sometimes I feel like I am two different people-one when I am with my partner and another when I am alone
There are times I find myself calculating the risks of expressing my true feelings to my partner
There are certain things about my partner that I'd rather not know much about
I feel free to reveal the most intimate parts of myself to my partner
I'd rather think the best of my partner than to know the whole truth about him or her
I expect that my partner will always tell me the truth before trying to protect my feelings
I think life isn't worth living
I look forward to things as much as I used to
How often did you believe in God or a higher Power?
How often did you wonder what you did for God to punish you?
How often did you have problems with sleep (too much or too little)?
How often did you wonder whether God had abandoned you?
How often did you feel hopeless about the future?
How often did you have a problem at work, school, or home because of alcohol or drug use?
If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution.
I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.
I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort
In the past week how often did you feel unhappy or sad?
In the past week how often did you wonder if you should cut back on your drug or alcohol use?
In the past week how often did you feel lonely?
In the past week how often did you feel hopeless about the future?
Which of the following best describes your marital status?
How many of your children do you see or talk to on the phone at least once every 2 weeks?
. Are either of your parents living?
. Do you belong to any groups in which you talk to one or more members of the group about group-related issues at least once every 2 weeks?
Do you see or talk on the phone to either of your partner's parents at least once every 2 weeks?
How many people involved in this volunteer work do you talk to about volunteering-related issues at least once every 2 weeks?
Do you belong to a church, temple, or other religious group?
Are you currently employed either full or part-time?
How many people do you supervise?
Are either of your in-laws (or partner's parents) living?
I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future
I’ve been interested in new things
I’ve been feeling interested in other people
I’ve been feeling cheerful
Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I have people in my life that I can count on
Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement: I am able to find hope in God
Use drugs for non-medical purposes?
Feel worthless?
Get into fights with family members and/or friends?
Think that you don't have any friends?
Have little or no friends?
Avoid Going to School?
Think about hurting yourself?
Disobey adults? (Not do what adults told you to do)
Have a hard time sleeping because you were worried?
I haven’t felt like talking to anyone
I’ve felt able to cope when things go wrong
I’ve thought of hurting myself
How often do you feel alone?
How often do you feel that you have a lot in common with the people around you?
How often do you feel part of a group of friends?
Test metric (edit ratio set)
. Risk-taking is exciting to me.
I feel part of the community
There is no evidence that child has experienced emotional abuse.
Using the scale, how did you feel at the end of drop-in?
I am not afraid to express my opinions and ideas
Would you recommend the Rendezvous to others?
Did you come on your own?
Relationships - family
I feel valued
If you came with a friend, now you have been to a session, do you think you would be able to come by yourself now?
I know what is required of me at work
I believe my workload is appropriate for my role
Aspirations - jobs and career
I have what I need to do the job
Would you like to come again?
My role capitalises on my strengths
Self esteem
Suitable for a case study
I have the opportunity to contribute to decisions that affect me
I am clear on the Rendezvous strategic priorities
length of session
I am clear on the how my role contributes to this organisation's overall aims
Safeguarding concerns
All things considered, I enjoy my work
I know I will be respected and listened to
Which of these groups are you involved in?
I’m good at listening to other people and ask questions if I don’t understand
Would you suggest this event to other young people?
Location (not used - Sherborne / Gillingham / Yeovil now determined by project)
Why did you decide to get involved in this group? (Please tick all that apply)
Which of these do you take part in? (tick as many as apply)
I keep trying when something goes wrong
How much has working with the Rendezvous made a difference to you?
I’m happy and confident to try something new
My confidence/self esteem has grown
I can speak clearly and confidently to groups of people
My relationships with family and/or friends have improved
I’m good at understanding how other people feel
I work well in a team – I share ideas and respect others in the group
People can rely on me – I do what I say I’ll do
I’m good at supporting and motivating other people
I make better choices
I’m good at planning activities and solving problems
I can cope with problems better (eg. anxiety)
Would you recommend this programme to other young people?
The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire was developed by psychologists Michael Argyle and Peter Hills at Oxford University. Take a few moments to take the survey. This is a good way to get a snapshot of your current level of happiness. You can even use your score to compare to your happiness level at some point in the future by taking the survey again. If you are using some of the interventions presented on this site to raise your happiness level, you can see whether your score on the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire goes up as a result.
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a 10-item self-report measure of global self-esteem. It consists of 10 statements related to overall feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance. The items are answered on a four-point scale ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is a brief and unidimensional measure of global self-esteem. It has demonstrated good reliability and validity across a large number of different sample groups. The SES has been validated for use with substance abusers and other clinical groups, and is regularly used in treatment outcome studies. The scale has been validated for use with both male and female adolescent, adult and elderly populations. It has been used with francophone populations but studies were not found on the use of the SES with other specific cultural groups.
The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CiOQ) is a 26-item self-report instrument. It is the first psychometric instrument concerned with positive and negative changes in views on life following adversity, based on the insight that a person may experience positive psychological changes as a result of a traumatic life event. As well as being a useful research tool, the CiOQ provides an additional resource for clinical and counseling psychologists working with traumatised people.
The Berkman-Syme Social Network Index (SNI) is a self-reported questionnaire for use in adults aged 18–64 years old that is a composite measure of four types of social connections: marital status (married vs. not); sociability (number and frequency of contacts with children, close relatives, and close friends); church group membership (yes vs. no); and membership in other community organizations (yes vs. no). This measure is a questionnaire to assess the type, size, closeness, and frequency of contacts in a respondent’s current social network. This measure allows researchers to categorize individuals based on social connectedness and can highlight those at risk for social isolation.
This 36-item survey is a commonly used self-reported measure of general health. The survey measures both emotional and physical health and is often used as a measure of a person or population's quality of life.
The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being scale was developed to enable the monitoring of mental wellbeing in the general population and the evaluation of projects, programmes and policies which aim to improve mental wellbeing.
WEMWBS is a 14 item scale with 5 response categories, summed to provide a single score ranging from 14-70. The items are all worded positively and cover both feeling and functioning aspects of mental wellbeing.
The General Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item psychometric scale that is designed to assess optimistic self-beliefs to cope with a variety of difficult demands in life.
The scale was developed in German by Matthias Jerusalem and Ralf Schwarzer in 1981 and has been used in many studies with hundred thousands of participants. In contrast to other scales that were designed to assess optimism, this one explicitly refers to personal agency, i.e., the belief that one’s actions are responsible for successful outcomes.
The Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) is a questionnaire developed by the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department at Duke University. It was effective in screening for and measuring the severity of social anxiety disorder. The scale is rated over the past week and includes items assessing each of the symptom domains of social anxiety disorder (fear, avoidance, and physiologic arousal).a
The guide aims to introduce some evaluation essentials
• guide the development of a suitable framework for evaluating participation
• provide a set of flexible tools to adapt and use for your own evaluation projects,
• signpost information and materials for further investigation.
This guide is for anyone working in the area of community engagement, public involvement or participation whilst it will be of particular interest to those working in health and social care it may be of interest to other sectors. It is designed both to be a useful starting point and to add to the existing resources and tools of the more experienced evaluator.
Well-being describes a person’s overall functioning and life satisfaction. It includes the physical and material
aspects of their life that we can objectively measure—such as their health and wealth—and other subjective
aspects—such as how an individual experiences their relationships with others, and their sense of self-worth.
In this report, we will focus on the latter—known as subjective well-being—as opposed to the former—known as
objective well-being. For our purposes, subjective well-being refers to people’s views and assessments of their life
circumstances, including self-esteem, resilience, a feeling of connectedness to one’s community, and the quality
of one’s relationships
The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) is a 28-item self-reported questionnaire adapted from the semi-structured interview Eating Disorder Examination (EDE) and designed to assess the range and severity of features associated with a diagnosis of eating disorder using 4 subscales (Restraint, Eating Concern, Shape Concern and Weight Concern) and a global score.
Here are some statements that describe young people’s behaviour and feelings.
For each statement, please circle the number that best describes your child in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 0 if the statement is not true for this young person in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 1 if the statement is partly true for this young person in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 2 if the statement is mostly true for this young person in the last 4 to 6 months
The Children and Families CORE-YP survey is a survey intended for use by young people aged between 11 and 16. The survey asks 10 questions about the respondent's mental state over the past week. A score is then calculated between 0 and 40 which helps to give an indication of the young person's mental state.
This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention. This screening measure is not designed to make a diagnosis of an eating disorder or take the place of a professional consultation.
The PHQ-9 easy to use survey is a self-administered version of the PRIME-MD diagnostic instrument for common mental disorders. This is the depression module, which scores each of the nine DSM-IV criteria as "0" (not at all) to "3" (nearly every day).
This scale assesses “relational authenticity”, meaning the attitudes people have about the importance of engaging in open and honest self-disclosure. Those who have high levels of relational authenticity have clear expectations that they and their partner avoid distorting or denying truthful personal and relational experiences.
The CES-D is a self-report depression scale for research in the general population. It consists of a list of 20 ways one might feel or behave. Participants indicate for each of these items how often they have felt like that during the week ahead of taking the test. The possible range of scores is 0 to 60, with the higher scores indicating the presence of more symptomatology.
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief behavioural screening survey. The main body of the survey consists of 25 questions which relate to one of five metrics: conduct problems, emotional symptoms, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems and prosocial behaviour. This SDQ is intended for 4-17 year olds.
The Adolescent Wellbeing Scale was devised by Birleson to pick up possible depression in older children and adolescents. It has been shown to be effective for this purpose. The scale has 18 questions – each relating to different aspects of an adolescent’s life, and how they feel about them. They are asked to indicate whether the statement applies to them most of the time, sometimes or never. The scale can be used by children as young a 7 or 8, but responses are more reliable for those aged 11 or more.
The scale has proved useful with adolescents at initial assessment, but also to
monitor progress. For example it helped ‘clarify a young person’s feeling
about placement with their mother’.
The MTQ48 was created to meet a very tangible need in the occupational world. It sought to respond to
four questions increasingly at the front of the minds of most senior managers:
▪ Why is it some people handle stressors, pressure, and challenge well and others don’t?
▪ Can we measure where people have strengths and weaknesses in these matters?
▪ Can we do something to improve “mental toughness” in people to improve their performance?
▪ Can we evaluate the effectiveness of interventions which are all claimed to be effective?
The importance of resilience, and interest in it, has increased markedly in recent years, based on the
need to understand why some children and young people have a resilience to stress that others lack. At the same
time, there has been a lack of instruments to measure resilience. The aim of this study was to translate the Adolescent
Resilience Questionnaire (ARQ) into Swedish and investigate the psychometrics of this Swedish version
Below are statements people often use to describe themselves. Please use the scale below to
indicate the degree to which these statements accurately describe you. There are no right or
wrong answers
The Threshold Assessment Grid (TAG) is a short, 7-item survey used to assess the severity of a person's mental health problems. It was developed at King’s College London to help identify people who need be referred to mental health services. In the 7 areas that the survey asks about, the respondent must rank the severity of the issue from none to very severe.
The Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS) is a quick survey used to measure mental wellbeing. It is a shorter version of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), with only 7 questions, instead of 14. The survey gives a score ranging from 0-35. The items are all worded positively and cover both feeling and functioning aspects of mental wellbeing.
The Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) questionnaire is a seven-item, self-report anxiety questionnaire designed to assess the patient’s health status during the previous 2 weeks. The questionnaire was designed by Spitzer et al. and published in 2006. It is quick to administer and is now used in research and clinical settings. The questionnaire has been validated for use as a screening tool and severity measure in primary care and in general populations.
The Core (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation) 34 19 survey, also known as the Core-OM survey, is a widely utilised self assessment tool which contains 34 items answered on a 5 level scale. The survey asks about the respondent's mental state over the last week. It can be used as an initial screening tool and as an tool to measure a patient's response to psychological therapy.
This brief questionnaire asks about some of the most commonly reported thoughts, feelings and behaviors among adults involved in recovery from problem gambling. Please think about the week and indicate how often each of the following occurred. This will help you and your therapist to plan your treatment and monitor your improvement.
The Pastoral Counselling Center- Brief Adolescent Outcome Behaviour questionnaire is a brief self-assessment form intended for adolescents. The form uses a 5 point scale and looks at different lifestyle choices, mental health problems and physical health problems that could affect adolescents.
This scale measures individual subjective feelings of loneliness and social isolation. It is a revised version of UCLA loneliness scale and the Revised UCLA loneliness scale
A 20-item scale designed to measure one’s subjective feelings of loneliness as well as feelings of social isolation. Participants rate each item on a scale from 1 (Never) to 4 (Often).
The Samaritan Counselling Centre Brief Adult Outcome Questionnaire is used to assess mental and physical wellbeing. The survey asks 17 questions and asks the respondents to use a 5 point scale to say to what degree a certain issue affects them. It is intended to be used by adults.
Measure children’s perceived social support. This scale was designed to tap into the perceived support which significant others (parents, teacher, classmates and close friends) manifest toward the self. The scale measures whether perceived regard from others directly impacts perceived regard for the self. Furthermore, the scale can support consideration of the extent to which certain significant others had more or less of an impact that others.
Here are some statements that describe children’s behavior and feelings.
For each statement, please circle the number that best describes your child in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 0 if the statement is not true for your child in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 1 if the statement is partly true for your child in the last 4 to 6 months.
circle 2 if the statement is mostly true for your child in the last 4 to 6 months
Answering the statements below will help you determine your child’s
Character Strengths that help her thrive. There are no right or wrong
answers. This is only for you to see where your child is right now and
help you determine which traits are his strengths and which to encourage.
Mental toughness is about how effectively individuals deal with stress, pressure, and challenge. It describes the mindset that every person adopts in everything they do and is closely related to qualities such as character, resilience, and grit. We can measure these qualities with the MTQ.
Most psychometrics focus on the measurement of behaviors (how we act) and attributes (how we feel) – the MTQ looks at how we think which is a key driver for the development of behavior and attributes.
Research carried out under the direction of Professor Peter Clough has identified the four key components of MT. These are called the 4 Cs – Control, Commitment, Challenge, and Confidence.
This is suitable as a screening test for depression symptoms in the elderly; ideal for evaluating the clinical severity of depression and therefore for monitoring treatment. It is easy to administer, needs no prior psychiatric knowledge, a well-validated has been well validated in many environments.
Depression assessments such as the 4-item Geriatric Depression Scale are easy and quick to perform, with a high sensitivity and specificity. There is also a 15-item version of the scale. Patients who screen positive for depression should be considered for antidepressants and be reassessed cognitively when their depression has lifted. Care must be taken, as dementia and depression often co-exist.
Climate change awareness survey questions is a questionnaire to understand public perception about climate change. You can use it to identify key factors, challenges, and barriers to environmental and climate-conscious behavior. It will also shed some light on the possible causes of weather change and the factors that influence the same. Use this sample survey template to understand how well the audience is aware of ‘Climate change’ or as some call it ‘Global warming’. Understanding audience opinion can help in formulating future environmental policies and saving the planet.
Climate change is a change in average weather conditions. It can be extreme weather, natural disasters, temperature rise, etc. During a recent study, a poll was conducted to understand climate change awareness. It was found that over 40% of the world population has never heard about climate change. However, climate change awareness has decreased over the last few years in some countries. It's not because people are not concerned anymore, it's just that there have been some other topics which have become more important. According to recent studies, only 41% of Americans think that people are being harmed by climate change today. New issues like the global financial crisis, terrorism, growing unemployment rates, new energy policy, etc have taken the pedestal. Due to such reasons, many ignored climate change.
Here's the questionnaire on climate change and the factors that influence climate-conscious behavior.